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November 2019

In November I investigated a range of random resources.  These included the Chinese mountain hermits from the Amongst White Clouds documentary, through which I had some renunciation-related micro-shifts.  Also the FPMT teachers & materials on the lam rim, which got me thinking more about how modern dharma is really nested inside traditional dharma.  It also inspired me to draft up a new ‘traditional dharma’ long term practice plan.  And even Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy modality, which provided some insights around not taking emotions too seriously.  This also led to an insight about how libido has interfered with human connection for me.

Formal practice was TMI breath meditation, where I ramped up sitting time to over 3 hours per day, even during the week.  I was in stage 4 primarily, but started to get into 5 for the 1st time, with a couple sits going even further past that.  I obsessed about stages a little bit too much (but that didn’t continue into future months).  I played around briefly with another, unrelated practice that involves stimulating entoptic visions, but it didn’t stick.  I randomly had a week of semi-lucid dreams, including some that I could start to control, but then they stopped.  I started doing the qigong practice of horse stance & lower dan tien stirring to get more grounded.
